Gynecomastia Surgery In Gainesville, FL
Gynecomastia Surgery – our most popular male surgical procedure!
Gynecomastia is an increase in breast gland tissue, often developing during puberty, in boys or men, most commonly caused by an imbalance of the reproductive hormones estrogen and testosterone. Although complete breast development doesn’t occur in men as it does in women, all individuals assigned male at birth are born with some amount of breast tissue. This condition is sometimes referred to as “male breasts,” and though the etiology of this condition is not widely understood, it is thought that certain medications, hormonal changes, drugs, and medical conditions may play a role in its development. Gynecomastia affects more than half of the male population worldwide, affecting one or both breasts. For patients with gynecomastia, their condition can have significant negative effects, causing severe emotional distress.
With several decades of experience in the field of aesthetic and plastic surgery, our plastic surgeons in Gainesville, FL, Dr. Tyrone and Dr. Mateo, specialize in all aspects of cosmetic surgery, including gynecomastia treatment. He has performed gynecomastia surgery on patients 18–65 years of age, with a minimally-invasive, relatively quick procedure and excellent, enduring results. Why wait? Contact our Gainesville plastic surgery office today to schedule a consultation!

What Is Gynecomastia Surgery?
Gynecomastia develops as a button-like growth under the nipple. It may appear as a breast lump, or it may be felt by pressing on the area. The lump may move without issue within the breast tissue and feel tender. Breast enlargement and the development of breast lumps can occur in one or both breasts, sometimes in an uneven manner. While gynecomastia may not necessarily pose a health threat, its presence can cause significant emotional and psychological distress. For those with transient gynecomastia, the condition generally resolves over several years without the need for treatment. Yet, for those with this condition that persists, gynecomastia medication and male breast surgery in Gainesville can be used to successfully treat the condition.
Depending on the severity of the condition, gynecomastia can be treated through surgical excision or removal of the patient’s breast bud, or liposuction of the fatty breast tissue. In some cases, a combination of both procedures may be the best option. Additionally, a secondary procedure, in which excess skin is removed, or the nipple is restored to a more natural position on the chest, may be required. Results from gynecomastia surgery can vary from patient to patient. Generally, however, for patients who undergo this procedure, their chest is firmer, flatter, and optimally contoured. This allows them to feel more comfortable going without a shirt and wearing form-fitting clothing. Why wait? Reclaim your self-confidence and schedule a consultation today!
What Are The Symptoms Of Gynecomastia?
True gynecomastia is characterized by enlarged glandular tissue. This contrasts with the accumulation or increase of adipose or fat tissue in the chest (pseudogynecomastia), which commonly affects those with obesity. The condition is accompanied by certain gynecomastia symptoms, such as tenderness of the chest to the tough, though it is not typically accompanied by significant pain. Gynecomastia can affect one or both breasts, though the enlargement is often symmetrical in nipple location. This condition should not be mistaken for lumps in breast tissue which may indicate breast cancer.
Precancerous and cancerous breast lumps are often firm, located only on one side, and may or may not be centered around the nipple. Other symptoms of cancer are dimpling skin, enlargement of the underarm lymph nodes, and nipple retraction or discharge. The development and prominence of enlarged breast tissue from gynecomastia can cause severe emotional discomfort and impair self-esteem and self-confidence, potentially causing patients to avoid certain activities and intimacy in order to conceal their condition.
What Are The Causes Of Gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia causes can vary from patient to patient. However, an imbalance between estrogen and androgen hormones is commonly the cause of gynecomastia. A small amount of estrogen, the hormone that controls breast growth, is usually produced in men’s bodies. If the body produces too great an amount of estrogen or if a patient has low testosterone (hypogonadism), then the breasts may enlarge. Gynecomastia can be caused by natural hormonal changes, health conditions, medications, and other substances.
Natural Hormonal Changes
Testosterone and estrogen are hormones that occur naturally in the body. However, if estrogen levels peak or disrupt the natural hormonal balance with testosterone, gynecomastia can occur. Certain stages of life can increase a person’s risk of developing gynecomastia. For the majority of those assigned male at birth and are born with enlarged breasts, this can occur due to their mother’s estrogen levels during gestation. In most cases, enlarged breast tissue dissipates within several weeks. Another stage in life in which hormonal changes occur is puberty, during which gynecomastia is common. In many cases, the swollen breast tissue may dissipate in months or years following puberty. The prevalence of gynecomastia can reach its peak among 50-year-old and 60-year-old men, particularly if they are or were overweight.
Gynecomastia can result from taking certain medications. Medications that can result in the development of gynecomastia include those taken to treat depression and anxiety, bacterial infections, fungal infections, enlarged prostate, heartburn, stomach ulcers, heart failure, high blood pressure, male infertility, and substance use disorder. Additionally, anabolic steroids and androgens used to enhance athletic performance; anti-androgens used to treat prostate conditions, AIDS or HIV medications, and cancer treatments may increase your risk. Other substances, such as amphetamines, marijuana, opioids, anabolic steroids used to build muscle, tea tree oils, and lavender oils commonly found in herbal supplements and skin care products, can also cause gynecomastia to develop.
Health Conditions
Certain conditions can result in the enlargement of male breast tissue, including alcoholism, adrenal tumors, kidney disease, cirrhosis or liver failure, liver disease, or thyroid disease. Any condition that interferes with normal testosterone production, such as pituitary insufficiency or Klinefelter’s syndrome, can cause gynecomastia. Malnutrition and tumors involving the testes, adrenal glands, or pituitary glands are other risk factors for the development of gynecomastia.
Am I A Good Candidate For Gynecomastia Surgery?
If you’re bothered by having enlarged breasts and wondering how to get rid of gynecomastia, you might consider undergoing gynecomastia treatment in Gainesville. The best way to determine whether you are a candidate for treatment is to schedule a consultation with our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Tyrone. In general, good candidates for gynecomastia surgery include men who are physically healthy and at a stable weight, men who do not suffer from life-threatening illnesses or health conditions, men whose gynecomastia cannot be corrected through gynecomastia treatment without surgery, men whose breast development has stabilized, men with realistic expectations for gynecomastia surgery, and those with a positive outlook.
Dr. Tyrone believes that patients considering gynecomastia treatment should be fully informed and able to make a conscious decision. During your consultation with Dr. Tyrone, he will discuss all the potential risks and benefits of the procedure, address any concerns, and answer any questions you may have. Gynecomastia surgery is generally considered safe and typically produces incredible results. However, as with all surgical procedures, gynecomastia is not without certain risks and potential complications, including bleeding, breast asymmetry; changes in breast or nipple sensation; improper healing, and complications regarding anesthesia. Contact our plastic surgery office today to schedule your consultation!
Your Gynecomastia Procedure
After your consultation with Dr. Tyrone to discuss goals, concerns, and the patient’s medical history, your surgical procedure will be scheduled. The exact techniques used during facelift surgery vary depending on a variety of factors, including the patient’s anatomy, personal goals, and any additional procedures being performed in combination with or following their gynecomastia treatment. To start the procedure, intravenous sedation or general anesthesia will be administered. Dr. Tyrone will then make incisions in the chest, removing excess breast tissue through surgical excision or liposuction.
For procedures using liposuction, Dr. Tyrone inserts a cannula, or a thin and hollow tube, through several incisions and moves it back and forth to loosen excess fat, which is then removed by vacuum suction. Surgical gynecomastia excision is a method used when Dr. Tyrone needs to remove glandular tissue and/or excess skin, reduce the size of the areola, or reposition the nipple. Sometimes both methods are combined. Incision patterns vary depending on individual patients’ conditions and preferences.
Recovering From Gynecomastia Surgery
After your Gainesville male breast reduction surgery, Dr. Tyrone will dress your incisions with surgical bandages in order to help minimize swelling and support your new chest contour as it starts to heal. He may place a temporary, thin tube under your skin to drain excess blood or fluid that may accumulate. Dr. Tyrone will provide you with specific, comprehensive post-operative instructions detailing how to care for the surgical sites and drains, required downtime, and follow-up appointments. Dr. Tyrone may provide you with oral medications to help facilitate healing, reduce your pain, and decrease your risk of infection. If you experience shortness of breath, chest pain, or an unusual heartbeat, seek medical attention immediately. For more information about recovering from gynecomastia surgery, contact our office.
Frequently Asked Questions
Gynecomastia can occur at different times, including birth, puberty, and adulthood. The majority of male newborns have enlarged breasts or breast buds. This can occur due to increased estrogen levels in the mother. This enlargement typically dissipates within weeks of birth. More than half of pubescent males have some degree of breast enlargement due to fluctuating hormones, including reductions in testosterone and surges in estrogen, which can cause breast tissue to expand. As hormone levels level, the condition can go away, though it may take 6 months to 2 years for this to occur. In adulthood, males over the age of 50 commonly have enlarged breast tissue. This is due to a decrease in the production of testosterone. It may also be due to an increase in body fat, which can stimulate the production of estrogen.
If your gynecomastia is the result of a medication or drug reaction, then your condition may improve if you stop using or taking the offending agent. However, oftentimes, patients require medications and/or surgical interventions in order to resolve their enlarged breast tissue. Our plastic and aesthetic surgeon, Dr. Tyrone, leverages the benefits of his artistic attention to detail and decades of plastic surgery and aesthetic experience to create a customized treatment plan that best meets the needs of each patient. He may use a combination of liposuction and surgical excision of the breast tissue to restore an attractive contour to the chest. In some cases, a second operation may be required to correct skin laxity if the gynecomastia is severe.
The best way to determine if you are a candidate for gynecomastia treatment is to schedule an appointment with Dr. Tyrone for your initial consultation. He will review your medical history and ask important questions about your goals for treatment and other information. In general, patients who are healthy and experience discomfort or a lack of self-confidence associated with their breast size or shape are ideal candidates. It’s important to note that patients must not be smokers, as smoking can impede the natural healing process. Additionally, patients should have realistic expectations for the result of their gynecomastia treatment.