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How To Choose The Best Breast Implants For Your Lifestyle

You are one of a kind. Your breasts should be, too. For many patients who desire a more uplifted and voluminous bustline, breast augmentation surgery can be transformative, boosting your self-image, helping you feel more confident in clothing, and providing a way to match how you look with the way you feel. If you’re considering breast surgery, you should know it is not a one-size-fits-all process. At John W. Tyrone, MD, PLLC, Plastic Surgery, our plastic surgeon in Gainesville, FL, customizes each aspect of the breast implant process for natural-looking results that our patients love.

There are a variety of different factors that will determine the best type of breast implant for your lifestyle. Here, our plastic surgeon discusses the different options regarding the shape, size, material, and profile of your breast implants to help you make the decision that will achieve your cosmetic goals for breast implant surgery. Contact our Gainesville plastic surgery practice today to schedule breast implant surgery and to learn about breast implant financing.

man holding breast implants

Breast Implant Size

Breast implants are measured in cubic centimeters or CCs. The total number of CCs in a breast implant indicates the volume of the implant. In other words, more CCs means a greater amount of volume in an implant. A common, outdated misconception about breast augmentation surgery is that it will produce an overdone or unnatural appearance. The reality, however, is that surgeons such as Dr. Tyrone take great care to provide each patient with the most natural-looking results possible that accommodate the patient’s wishes and perfectly complement the patient’s figure.

That’s why an essential part of the planning process for breast implants in Gainesville, FL, is discussing the patient’s goals for breast enhancement and the realistic possible results. Based on a number of factors, including your current breast size, figure, amount of breast tissue, and your goals for breast implant surgery, Dr. Tyrone can help you select the optimal size breast implants for you.

Breast Implant Shape

When selecting the shape of your breast implants, you have two main options: round or contoured breast implants. Round breast implants are often beneficial for patients who desire a greater amount of overall breast lift, volume, fullness, and cleavage. Because round breast implants have a symmetrical shape, they do not affect the breast’s appearance, even in the unusual event the implants rotate within the breast pocket. Contoured breast implants, also known as teardrop implants or contoured implants, are shaped in a way that better replicates the appearance of natural breasts, with less volume in the upper half and a greater amount of volume in the lower half of each implant.

The sloping shape of the teardrop implant may produce results that appear natural, but there is a slight chance they will shift position over time, which may alter the appearance of your breasts. During your consultation with Dr. Tyrone, he will discuss your options for implant shapes with you, so you may select the best option for your breast plastic surgery goals.

Breast Implant Material

When it comes to making decisions about your breast augmentation plastic surgery procedure, material matters. There are several options to choose from for breast implant material. During your consultation with Dr. Tyrone, he can help you determine which material is best for you based on several factors, such as your age, whether you plan to have children and breastfeed, and your preferences for the material of your breast implants. Contact  John W. Tyrone, MD, PLLC, Plastic Surgery, today to schedule a consultation.

  • Saline Breast Implants. Saline breast implants are filled with saline or sterilized salt water. A saline breast implant creates an even feel, firmness, and shape. Once an implant is inserted, Dr. Tyrone fills it with saline to the desired volume.
  • Silicone Breast Implants. Silicone implants use a silicone gel, providing a natural, tissue-like feel from within the implants’ shells. Silicone gel implants can leak into the implant pockets, requiring regular check-up appointments with Dr. Tyrone.
  • Structured Breast Implants. Structured breast implants act similarly to silicone implants when implanted in the breast cavity. Yet, these implants use an inner shell filled with saline to provide a natural appearance and a tissue-like feel.
  • Gummy Bear Breast Implants. Gummy bear breast implants, also called cohesive silicone gel breast implants, highly cohesive gel implants, or form-stable implants, use a thick silicone gel and can retain their shape over time.

Breast Implant Profile

The profile of your breast implants determines how far off the chest wall each implant will extend as well as the determined width of the base of each implant. The three basic categories for breast implant profiles are low implant profile, moderate implant profile, and high implant profile. Within each of these categories are subcategories, such as moderate plus profiles and ultra-high profiles. With several available shapes, sizes, and profiles to choose from, you will be sure to receive high-quality implants with a truly customized fit and appearance. Review our breast augmentation gallery to view our breast implants before and after photos.

Outstanding Breast Implants In Gainesville, FL

There’s no easy rule for selecting the best breast implants for your lifestyle and your desires.  With years of experience performing breast augmentation surgery with innovative techniques and using state-of-the-art equipment, Dr. Tyrone has a deep understanding of breast anatomy, which helps him to guide his patients to their optimal breast implant choice.

John W. Tyrone, MD, PLLC, Plastic Surgery offers specialized procedures for all of your surgical breast needs, including breast implant revision, breast implant removal, breast reduction, corrective breast surgery, and nipple reconstruction. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with our board-certified plastic surgeon!

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